Explore Taiwan by Bike
Taiwancycling.com is a professional and unique bicycle tour company that was founded in Taipei, Taiwan in 2016. Its two founders, James Yang and Alex Chang, have a combined 20 years of experience in running travel agencies and coordinating events. Alex Chang, a heavyweight cyclist, has worked for multi-level marketing companies in various states and has served as an event coordinator for over 20 years.
Recognizing the lack of professional tour planning and coordination services for 4+2 wheeled tours in the Taiwanese market, the founders of Taiwancycling.com decided to provide professional, luxurious, and dreamy bicycle tours in Taiwan's tourism industry. Our focus on the 3-INGs: cycling, sightseeing, and dining, allows us to explore the beauty of Taiwan in the most effective way possible. Discovering the beauty of Taiwan through Taiwancycling.com is the best way to experience it all!
Taiwancycling.com 是一家專業的、獨特的自行車旅行社,於 2016 年在台灣台北成立。兩位創始人 James Yang 經營旅行社 20 年。 Alex Chang 是一名重型自行車騎手,曾在各州的傳銷公司工作,並曾擔任 20 年以上的活動協調員! 由於看到台灣市場沒有專業的4+2輪遊策劃和協調人,Taiwancycling.com的創辦人決定在台灣旅遊市場提供專業、奢華、夢幻的自行車遊。 我們強調 3-ING 作為騎自行車、觀光和飲食。 Taiwan Cycling 是探索台灣之美的最佳有效方式!
Recognizing the lack of professional tour planning and coordination services for 4+2 wheeled tours in the Taiwanese market, the founders of Taiwancycling.com decided to provide professional, luxurious, and dreamy bicycle tours in Taiwan's tourism industry. Our focus on the 3-INGs: cycling, sightseeing, and dining, allows us to explore the beauty of Taiwan in the most effective way possible. Discovering the beauty of Taiwan through Taiwancycling.com is the best way to experience it all!
Taiwancycling.com 是一家專業的、獨特的自行車旅行社,於 2016 年在台灣台北成立。兩位創始人 James Yang 經營旅行社 20 年。 Alex Chang 是一名重型自行車騎手,曾在各州的傳銷公司工作,並曾擔任 20 年以上的活動協調員! 由於看到台灣市場沒有專業的4+2輪遊策劃和協調人,Taiwancycling.com的創辦人決定在台灣旅遊市場提供專業、奢華、夢幻的自行車遊。 我們強調 3-ING 作為騎自行車、觀光和飲食。 Taiwan Cycling 是探索台灣之美的最佳有效方式!
Taiwan Cycling, Always Amazing!
Taiwan is located on the southeast coast of the Asian continent, on the western edge of the Pacific Ocean, between Japan and the Philippines. It is at the center of the East Asian island arc, serving as an important transportation hub in the Asia-Pacific region. It covers an area of approximately 36,000 square kilometers (14,400 square miles), with a greater length than width. Two-thirds of the total area is covered by forested mountains, while the remaining regions consist of hills, plateaus, highlands, coastal plains, and basins. The Central Mountain Range runs from north to south, forming a natural boundary between the rivers on the eastern and western sides of the island. On the western side is the Yushan (Jade Mountain) range, with its main peak reaching an elevation of 3,952 meters (12,966 feet), making it the highest peak in Northeast Asia.
台灣位於亞洲大陸東南沿海,太平洋西緣,日本和菲律賓之間,地處東亞島弧的中心,是亞太重要的交通要道。 地區。 它佔地約 36,000 平方公里(14,400 平方英里),長大於寬。 總面積的三分之二為森林覆蓋的山地,其餘地區由丘陵、台地和高地、沿海平原和盆地組成。 中央山脈自北向南縱貫全國,形成了島嶼東西兩側河流的天然分界線。 西側是玉山(玉山)山脈,主峰海拔3952米,是東北亞最高峰。